Wednesday, January 7, 2015

City council and the City administrator

On Monday the city council voted a new mayor and mayor pro-tem, however I feel as though this should be up to the residents of our city. There are a few members of our council that do not have the best interests of our community at heart. A couple of them should not be on the council at all. They are always choosing no to any executive sessions that may take time and energy into looking into important matters involving the city. The council has also been corrupt in a way that does not look at the best interest of the employee's of the city. There is a certain group of employee's that have been targeted and have been unfairly treated by the City Administrator himself.  They were paying almost 20% of their checks into retirement while the city payed NOTHING. When the city administrator was getting 20-30% getting paid BY THE CITY into his retirement while also having a better retirement than the other city employees.  He set up the contracts and bullied them into signing each contract. He figured out a way to manipulate contracts of city employee's for the most profitable gain on his part. He is a political manipulator of everyone around him and now has most of the city council in his back pocket who are about to vote on his contract again at the next meeting. Something needs to change within our system and the city administrator ends to be looked into deeply.

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